We function as a full business partner to our clients, providing global services to offer solutions to business challenges.

Gabriel Cortina

I hold more than two decades of professional experience as consultant, adviser and project manager, covering public and private sectors.  I have worked for a large number of industries and global companies, including experience in Government and public administration. Fields of my professional activity are communications, public relations and marketing. I love growing businesses, working with entrepreneurs and achieving goals. I’m a passionate supporter of my clients.

I hold a B.A. in Information Science -Advertising and Public Relations- from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and Master´s Degree on Government and Public Policy (FIIAPP). Also I hold the diploma from The Spanish Higher Centre for National Defence Studies (CESEDEN).  

I´m visiting lecturer at masters and courses in universities, and co-author of two books about political consultancy: “Gestión actual del consultor político” (Ed. LID, 2010) and “Consultoría política / Lobbying y consultoría para asuntos públicos” (Ed. Amarante, 2016).


I develop projects with different professionals, mostly freelancers and entrepreneurs specialized in specific areas. I enjoy working with flexible teams oriented to the achievement of results, with talent and inspiration.

I follow the model of the collaborative economy through the integration of suppliers. The result is a dynamic and effective network, adapted to change and customer needs.

Team linden lanai
Team linden lanai


I develop projects with different professionals, mostly freelancers and entrepreneurs specialized in specific areas. I enjoy working with flexible teams oriented to the achievement of results, with talent and inspiration.

I follow the model of the collaborative economy through the integration of suppliers. The result is a dynamic and effective network, adapted to change and customer needs.


Our areas of expertise are campaigns of regulated sectors, economic activities that are considered “strategic” where a special supervision and control of the Public Administration intervenes. We have been working successfully for clients from diverse industries: energy, communications, space and transport, defense, national security, health and finance.



Oil – Gas


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